Messaging Masterclass: “Leverage the Power of Storytelling”

Wednesday, Feb 28, 2024

16:00 (CET) to

17:00 (CET)

📍 Online



Confusing messaging will cost you sales that should be yours. There’s no room for “it’s complicated…” when it comes to B2B sales and marketing. Step 1 of a winning marketing and sales strategy is to create clear and powerful messaging.

During this webinar, B2B messaging experts Annie Mosbacher and Kristin Spiotto, co-founders of Decoded Strategies, will share insider access to the 7-part StoryBrand Messaging Framework: a repeatable strategy you can use to clarify your brand message, rally your sales team around a unified story, and more effectively engage with your audience.

Annie and Kristin will be joined by special guest, Sean Lane, Founding Partner at Minot Light Consulting, helping CEOs and revenue leaders at early stage companies improve their go-to-market execution. Sean will share best practices on how to operationalize sales messaging, including how to translate your customer hero into your prospecting efforts, how to design the “day-in-the-life” of your sales team, and how to inspect, reinforce and measure the impact of your new messaging efforts in the field.

The founders at Decoded Strategies have leveraged this framework to help B2B companies create a guiding brand message that creates differentiation, delivers a clear value proposition, and enables companies to stand out from the crowd.

You’ll end the day with:

✅ Clarity on how to level up your marketing strategy with a clear Unique Selling Point (USP)

✅ Actionable steps to cut through the noise and differentiate from the competition

✅ A proven method to build messaging that closes more deals

Event Agenda





StoryBrand Framework Deep Dive



LiveCrew Case Study



Operationalizing Sales Messaging



Expert Q&A Session



Audience Q&A

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